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The ripeness of the plantain will influence its taste and texture.  Greener plantains will contain more starch and therefore become crispier and more closely resemble a chip.  Yellow plantains will contain less starch and more sugar.  Therefore, they will be sweeter and have a more chewy texture.  We love both!

You can also prepare plantains on the stove in a pan of melted coconut oil and fry them. Just be very  

   careful to monitor the temperature of your oil to prevent burning.




3-4 plantains

1/4 cup melted coconut oil

Finely ground sea salt or Himalayan salt.


Cut off one end of each of the plantains.

Next, cut a shallow slit down the length of each plantain,  

   making sure not to go too deep.

Slide your finger between the peeling and the plantain to

   remove it- they are a bit different than bananas!

Cut your plantain into 1/4" slices and place in a bowl.

Melt your coconut oil (either on the stove or in the oven

   JUST until it becomes liquid), pour over plantain pieces.

Sprinkle with salt and lightly toss.

Place pieces on dehydrator rack, make sure they are not

   touching or overlapping.

Set your dehydrator to 160°F for 7 hours.

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