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Making swaps for both your health and the environment is a smart choice! This swap covers both. Most disposable food storage bags are made of polypropylene. Polypropylene is a type of plastic that has been shown to leach plastic additives + chemicals from food storage containers. This process increases with heat, duration of contact and acidity/pH of the food it contains. All perfect circumstances for that plastic baggie sitting on the front seat of your car on the hottest of summer days while you and the kiddos play in the park. Additionally, because of the short lifespan of this product it contributes to our diverse waste stream of plastics, including the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, yes that's a real thing.
I don't know about you but if we are go anywhere for a substantial amount of time with our kiddos, we better have snacks packed! With multiple kiddos and an active lifestyle that would be a LOT of baggies!
Making the switch to reusable baggies and stainless steel containers was a must do swap for our house. Compared to the cumulative ongoing expense with disposable baggies, it doesn't take long to make up for your investment with reusable options. And let's be honest, we are much more likely to pick them up off from the floors of our vehicles promptly! Plus, the materials of reusable bags are much more durable; they won't tear or get holes in them as easily. Just make sure you are looking for food grade silicone materials, no plastic additives or copolymers like PEVA, which have been shown to release dangerous VOC's. Here's a few of our favorite choices to swap out for:
Reusable food storage bags:
Stainless steel snack bowls with lids:
➤ Crofton (Aldi brand) stainless bowls with lids
*these seem to be a seasonal product.