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For purposes of this notice and disclosure, DWELL Peaceful Living 2021-2022 © may be referred to as, DWELL, "we", "us" or "our", "the website".  As such, any terms and conditions set forth apply to the same entity.


This privacy notice is to disclose to you, the user what information we may collect, how it is used and how long it is stored.  Please read this notice carefully to understand our policies regarding collected user information.  If you do not agree to any of the following notice, at such time you accept to no longer use our website, which is by your own accord.  As such, by continuing to access our website, you agree to the following notice.  


DWELL Peaceful Living collects minimal information and only when you provide such information.  This includes:

    • Name

    • Email

    • Comments

The above is obtained when:

    • You enter the information into the Contact Form with our website.

    • You enter the information (email address only) into the subscription or "Follow" form.

DWELL uses this information for communication purposes, to:

    • Correspond appropriately to your inquires

    • Send emails regarding the latest news and blog posts from DWELL


This information is stored and retained for only as long as necessary to render services or until it is requested to be removed.  We do not share any information with third party services.  If at any time you wish to no longer receive emails from us, simply click on the unsubscribe button within your sent email.


While the information collected by DWELL itself is minimal, we do use a website hosting service called Wix.  This provides us the means to create, design, code, upload and store all content for DWELL, therefore making it relayable and accessible to the world wide web. 

This hosting service, does collect additional information.  Please see below, titled: Browzer Cookies.


By using the web hosting service (Wix) our website automatically collects essential cookies, we do NOT collect non-essential cookies.  Cookies are small blocks of data created by a web server while browsing and placed on the hard drive of the user's computer.  Essential cookies are those that are necessary for a website to function correctly and automated features such as privacy and security to run properly.  These cookies remain stored only for the duration needed to perform the function.  You may choose to refuse all cookies from within your browser settings.  However, this may cause some crucial functions of the website to be inaccessible to the user. 

EXTERNAL LINKS may contain links to third-party websites or services that are not owned or controlled by DWELL.  As such, any information provided to and obtained by these sites is regulated under their own privacy policies.  DWELL does not have control over and assumes no responsibility or liability for the content and information obtained in relation to these sites.  


This website is not intended for persons under the age of 18 and we do not knowingly collect any information from or market to persons under the age of 18.  Therefore, any user under the age of 18 may not submit any information to the site.  By using this site, you constitute that you are at least 18 years of age or are the parent/guardian of a minor and consent to such minor's use of the site.  If we become aware of any data collected from a user under the age of 18 without proper parental/guardian consent occurring , we will promptly remove the data from our records.  If you become aware of any data we may have inadvertently collected from a person under the age of 18, please contact us at


California Civil Code Section §1798.83 permits that California residents who visit our site may request fixed information regarding disclosure of personal information to third parties for their own direct sales marketing.  To make a request, please email us at  Please keep in mind that DWELL itself does not share any personal information with third parties, however our web hosting service (, subsidiaries and affiliates) may, please click here to view their practices and policies. 


Protecting your personal information is important to us.  Security measures have been implemented by our web hosting service which is designed to protect your personal information.  However, transmission of information via the internet is not completely secure. Therefore, we can not and do not assume liability for any breach or circumvention of any information that may happen.  Transmission of any information is at your own risk.  As such, you are responsible for the security and integrity of any device and network in which you access our website.


Any changes or modifications to this policy is reserved by us and will be updated promptly as they apply.  Any changes or revisions to this notice will be indicated with the most recent date at the top of this notice.


If you have any questions regarding this privacy notice, you may contact us at

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